G’day all,
Had a pesky issue today and decided to share for all your sakes.
The problem: Convert multiple contacts (VCF) from emClient to Outlook (CSV).
emClient exports the contacts folder as either 1 .vcf file with all of the contacts listed within or for each contact 1 .vcf file. Outlook on the other hand only likes 1 .vcf file at a time which you can drag and drop onto your contacts folder but I had 200 odd and that would be a lot of work. It does however support 1 .csv file with multiple contacts contained within.
So how do you go about converting this seemingly straightforward problem?
Well to be honest it frustrated me for awhile. With almost all Google searches showing up paid for solutions, some hacky online solutions (who knows what they do with your contacts), but nothing that was simple as I believe it should be.
Until I stumbled across a website which told me quite simply the solution. And it was fairly straight forward.
The solution: Use Gmail.
Brilliant really. Gmail will gladly accept your multiple contacts all stored in 1 .vcf file. Nice and easy. Then do any little changes you might need to do (I find Gmail very user friendly and it is provider for Email, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, etc). Once you have finished export it as .csv (for Outlook). Start up your Outlook and import the CSV straight to your contacts folder. Brilliant right ?!
Then if you need to (which I did) export your newly imported contacts from Outlook to a .pst file. Kablam. Done and dusted.
So there you have it. Not a step by step, but close enough for now to help out anyone who is struggling like I was.
Enjoy your day and God bless.
Steven Swarts